We’re deep into Q3, and I’m running into challenges. In that Darden-integrated-curriculum way, three of my classes are converging to present interwoven questions and answers. The guest speaker in my Religion class asked today “Do you need to have a caller (i.e., God) to have a calling?” with the follow up question “and is business a calling?” I’m still not sure how I feel about those two questions.

In Creative Capitalism we’re exploring social entrepreneurship and what separates business entrepreneurs from social entrepreneurs. A social entrepreneur is a “transformative force” who works to solve major societal problems with new ideas. Think Henry Ford assembly-line-type disruptive innovation applied to hunger, education, rural health care, etc. In his book How to Change The World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas (which I highly recommend), David Bornstein says the difference between the business entrepreneur is “not in temperament or ability, but in the nature of their visions.” Combining the two questions – are certain people called to business, while others are called to social entrepreneurship? If so, called by whom or what? Where does the inspiration for innovation come from? I feel better prepared in each individual class because i’m experiencing the combination of all three classes. I’m really excited about my Creative Capitalism final: a social entrepreneurship business concept/plan – and very grateful to have context from my Innovation and Religion classes to blend into the mix.

Outside of school, I’ve decided it’s time to get back into shape. See fellow blogger Brilliantly Titled’s rant for context on b-school and fitness – all i can say is for me, this time, it’s serious. Crossfit serious. For someone who hated P.E. and Gym class growing up, this is kind of weird. The only way I can describe it is like P.E. for grown ups – intense circuit-type training with all sorts of balls and kettlebells and weights and rings and stuff. I always dreaded P.E. class and am the slowest, least-coordinated person I know. So far, three things are making me stick with it, despite the fact that I get nervous gym tummy every time I go – 1) the first rule at the gym is “No Ego”; 2) everyone is super friendly and encouraging and 3) It’s more challenging than anything physical I’ve ever done before.

And I’ve rediscovered my crockpot! My crock pot may be a hand-me-down, sturdy oval adorned with a fancy ivy design, but this thing works. With the 5th Annual Darden Chili/Curry Cook-Off coming up, I’ve gone on a chili campaign. After a strong first round of Black Bean Sweet Potato Chili, the current household favorite is White Chicken Chili, and a hearty batch of Taco Chili simmered through the wee hours last night. You may think a crock pot is a vestige of 1970s housewifery, but I’m here to tell you otherwise. It’s really a magical vessel from which deliciousness springs!
